W. J. Field, Labor Member of Parliament, North Paddington, arrested for "importuning." Alleged he frequented urinals, smiling at other men. Plea, not guilty; convicted, fined $42 and $59 costs.
JUNE. 1953 -
"Male prostitutes" in Leicester Square and Piccadilly reported hit by preCoronation cleanup.
Actor John Gielgud knighted in Coronation Honors List.
AUGUST, 1953
Lord Montagu of Beaulieu to U.S.A. for special treatment and visit with relatives.
American-born Melinda MacLean, wife of reputedly homosexual foreignoffice man who disappeared two years ago, followed suit and vanished. She and children are presumed to have rejoined MacLean, now perhaps employed as a Czech propaganda advisor.
Lord Montagu and film producer Kenneth Hume rumored to have left country fearing consequences of alleged "immoral acts."
Jurist laments growth of "male indecency cases."
OCTOBER, 1953 -
Final appeal rejected in Field case.
Sir John Gielgud convicted on morals charge. $28 fine for "publicly & persistently importuning male persons for immoral purposes."
"I was tired-had a few drinks," the bachelor actor explained, "was not responsible for my stupid actions."
Magistrate E. R. Guest: "This is dangerous to other men and a scourge in this neighborhood." Complaining of hearing 600 such cases yearly, Guest said, "They ought to be sent to prison as they were in the old days when there were less of them."
SUSSEX DAILY NEWS: Well-known author, Rupert Croft-Cooke, sentenced to nine months imprisonment for offenses committeed at his home with two sailors.
Warrant issued for Lord Montagu's arrest; the 27-year-old Baron visiting in Texas.
POLICE STATISTICS: Male indecency cases up from 299 a year average before war to 1686 in 1952 (England & Wales.)
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